
What started out as a circle of friends blogging on a semi-daily basis about life in general morphed into a platform for me to record my family's most recent trips to Walt Disney World.  There have only been two, but they have fueled my fascination about the place.  One that centers around the thousands upon thousands of nuances that make the place run.  It appeals to the engineer in me.

In 1991, my husband and I went to Walt Disney World - this was B.K. - before kids.  I remember driving along World Drive - Wow!  I was struck by how much the place had changed and grown since visiting as a child in the early 70's.  Earful Tower peeking over the trees, the colossal Swan and Dolphin hotels, and the addition of Epcot and Hollywood Studios (then, MGM) made me want to kiss my job working for a major oil company goodbye and relocate to Lake Buena Vista!  Had I missed my calling?

Being an engineer, I wanted to know how they planned it all out, what is their process, can I get in on it?  I marvelled at how something that massive was planned and executed, and how it could run with such apparent efficiency, and at the same time, please the volumes of people that come through the gates.  I still marvel at it, right down to the landscaping.

As for this blazy crog, I will veer off the pixie dust path from time to time to opine about one thing or another, but mostly I will chatter about this place that is known as Walt Disney World.

I Crust Be Mazy, so rump in and jide with me!